PES 2021 Turf Loader v2 – Select turf automatically and manually

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PES 2021 Turf Loader is a mod by author Mohamed2746 to quickly customize turf for stadiums. Your job is to collect favorite turf mods and the tool will handle inserting them into each match.

PES 2021 Turf Loader PES 2021

1. Features of PES 2021 Turf Loader v2

  • Injecting automatically a random turf per match
  • Injecting automatically a random light per match
  • Injecting automatically a turf to a team id
  • Manually selecting a turf mod
  • Manually selecting a light mod
  • Saving favorite combination of light & turf mods
  • Adding unlimited turf/light mods
  • Overriding both cpk and stadium-server lights/turfs
  • Turf Loader package already has 2 installed turfs Leena Pitch and Real Turf V5
PES 2021 Turf Loader PES 2021
Real Turf V5
PES 2021 Turf Loader PES 2021
Leena Pitch

2. Download PES 2021 Turf Loader v2




3. Tutorial install PES 2021 Turf Loader

Step 1: Make sure you have the latest version of the Sider installed

Step 2: Copy the “content” and “modules” folders to the sider folder (where sider.exe is located).

Step 3: Add the following line to sider.ini (ABOVE the stadium-server)

lua.module = "TurfLoader.lua"

Step 4: Enter the game via sider and customize turf manually (open with space button)

4. Tutorial add a new turf for PES 2021 Turf Loader

Step 1: Download your favorite turf. Use stadium-server add-on if available.

Step 2: If the turf you downloaded is a cpk, you need to use CRI Packed File Maker to extract the cpk file

Step 3: Find and locate the following folders:


Step 4: To complete the task, move the folders to the “content/turf-loader” directory in your sider folder, and modify the name of the folder that begins with “st” to “st000”.
For instance, if your turf modification is named “vanilla”, the corresponding folder must be moved to “content/turf-loader/vanilla”.

Step 5: Also, make sure to include the name of your turf mod in the “turf-mods.csv” file, with each turf mod name on a separate line.

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PES 2021 Turf Loader v2 - Select turf automatically and manually
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